Williamsburg Bed and Breakfast > Colonial Williamsburg > Travel Tips
Traveling to Williamsburg, VA (or beyond)?
Jean Shares Her Travel Tips!
I traveled weekly for
many years on business and thought I would put together some tips to aid
you in your next trip to Williamsburg ... or wherever! I always pack with the idea I will have
to haul my own luggage around. This allows you to take a train/bus into
a city, versus having to pay expensive taxis fares. If you are driving,
then you have more leeway with clothes, shoes, etc, and you can pick and
choose among these tips.
This gets me through a full MONTH in Paris every year in the winter and
will surely help for a shorter vacation ... perhaps to Williamsburg,
Start with the lightest suitcase. I have a strong,
nylon, rolling bag that is soft (expands) with lots of pockets. When I
have to buy a case, I look for the cheapest, since the bags are only as
good as their weakest point (zippers, wheels) and they get dirty when
checked frequently.
Use ziplock bags instead of cosmetic cases. They are lighter and can
be tossed if anything leaks once you return home.
Makeup Ziplock:
Only the basic makeup that is used every day, only one of each.
Medicine Ziplock: Throw a mix of Tylenol, aspirin, tums, etc. into
one little bottle. I also take a strip of cold meds, laxative, etc. If
you end up needing more of one item you can get anywhere cheaply.
Miscellaneous Ziplock: Hairbursh, little shampoos, lotions, etc.
You decide what is important and take smallest size container. Travel
I bring only three sets of clothes and one skirt. Wear heaviest set
on the plane, and pack the remaining two sets:
3/ long-sleeve, light-weight shirts (silk best) or turtlenecks - good
under everything, can be worn alone and will dry fast.
3/ very light-weight, thin, wool sweaters (I use cashmere; can be worn
alone or over turtlenecks)
3/ long pants - knit is best but one pair of black jeans and to wear
3/ sets: socks and underwear. One pair black tights & silk scarves,
great to keep you warm and for flair.
1/ soft pair of knit pajamas and silk robe. I have worn knit pajamas to
laundry mat to wash everything else.
2/ black shoes that you can wear everywhere, all day. I have black SAS
and one black dressy. Black shoes disappear with dark pants.
Wear on the plane: Of the three sets of clothes, pick your heaviest
set, and wear them on the plane. For winter, wear your coat and wear one
nice pair of gold earrings and necklace. Wear your heaviest shoes and
pack the lighter dress pair.
Cotton is heavy and dries slowly, pick soft nylon/wool for socks, etc.
Try to stick with either light or dark clothes easier for laundry
Pack a travel size hair dryer only if you are certain you cant borrow
one from a hotel. Leave all the curling irons, etc at home.
Resist just-in-case packing - there are Walmart-type stores
everywhere, even in Williamsburg!
Summer: Pack light-weight knits only. Cashmere is good for one warm
light sweater and pack a light jacket; if weather turns cold you can
Roll clothes up when you pack. Stuff socks, scarves into corners.
Bring one good paperback for the plane a lifesaver if there are
Save airport luggage strip-tags they work great to remove lint.
Empty plastic bottle - you can fill with water on other side of
security. Also doubles as a good hot-water bottle if you get cold (even
in bed).
Throw in a bar of soap clothes will stay smelling fresh. Shampoo
from hotels is great for doing laundry and sweaters.
Call credit card companies and ATM bank to advise of travel. Get local
currency at the airport ATM when you arrive and also from ATMs as you
travel, for best exchange rates.
Libraries are great places to buy cheap used paperbacks you can leave
When I rent an apartment, I purchase a small bottle of olive oil -
best all around for cooking, salads, bath-oil, and dry hand/heel remedy.